Monday, January 12, 2009

names at work today

The names I read at work all day crack me up. Here are some of the most interesting, just from today:

Sunshine - Imagine calling this person from a distance - "Sunshine!!"

Desdemona - It's odd how Juliet, Miranda, Ophelia, Olivia, etc, don't seem odd at all (Ophelia doesn't to me, anyway!) but Desdemona just strikes me as over the top. I can't put my finger on why. Maybe it's all the frilliness around the "moan" sound.

Sparkle - Uh. No comment.

Cinnamon - I think the middle initial was H? Any guesses here?
Cinnamon Heloïse
Cinnamon Henrietta
Cinnamon Hero *hee*

Edwidge - Not unheard of but it's one of those names that just makes me giggle with its oddness. It's so clunky and unfeminine, an awkward sound. I want to say ehd-WEEDJ but my mother says it's ED-widj. I'm guessing it's related to Hedwig?

I saw a combo I liked: Rosamond Nicole. Nicole is generally horribly boring to me (I counted 16 at work in just 2 days alone) but I think it's sweet here.


  1. Yeah, my name's Nicole and I find it quite boring as well on it's own. But I've recently found a love for it in the mn position, when it's paired with the right first name. Rosamond is nice.

  2. LOL quite the assortment! I used to work with a Tequila and it used to make me giggle.
